People see me as a non athletic . They are always shock to hear that, me of all people was a cross country runner in the only college in Ghana. As an Amanfo, I used to run for Ramseyer House when I was in the first year. Though I was the last in the Inter-Houses 5000 metres, I considered myself a runner. This happened in 1996 and 1997. I know that, the spirit of fitness was just at my garden, which has followed me to Manchester all these years.
There came a time when I needed to run a 1.5 mile under 11.30 mins. I always trust the reselves of my fitness all these years. I had forgotten that I was young, single and still searching of course and lighter. I was told that the race was taking place 3 days before. I had no choice than to go to JJB shop for a running shoe and a track suit. The following morning around 0800, I set up for a jog and what happened was for your eyes only. Just exhausted in under 5mins. Oh God where has all these gone to: I asked myself as I began to walk. Though I walk I did really good. I came home in about 1.30hours. That day, if I had a wife, hmm, there would be no.......... cos I was really tired and had pains all over my body. I was able to go the following morning though. Thursday 5 December was the day for this fitness test. I took the 2 energy drinks I had and set up in the rain for the office. I was a little bit late but I was not quizzed like the other day. I met a lot of guys there and an officer briefed us and took us in a van to Peel Park, Salford Uni. I thought it was a pitch but it was woods with paths in. Because of the rain, there were lots and lots of water deposits almost one fifth of the whole track, I mean the path. The officer warmed us up and told us all the rules of the race. The main rule which was also a disadvantage to me was NO WALKING.
The whole path was 0.75 mile so you have to go to the end and come back. the first part to the end was a hell but the returning was double hell. I was able to make it in 10.58 mins which was not bad. Before we started one guy told me the pass mark was 11.30 and he was doing it in 11.29 mins and true to his words he did it but this time 14.34mins which great because he was last.
So I passed and still looking forward for the next, I mean the real race.
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